California community colleges did something counterintuitive last yr, and that may put them in a potent position to rebound in 2022 with help from Suggestion 30 and increased state revenues.

Even every bit the 112-college organization was getting hit with an $809 million upkeep cut in recent years, it was developing and slowly rolling out a comprehensive reform program. Now, with Gov. Brownish proposing to increment community college funding by $196.7 meg and some financial animate room in sight, officials see an opportunity to speed upwardly the process.

"There's been some very meaning progress; we experience that we laid some cornerstones last twelvemonth that will fundamentally reshape how community colleges operate going forward," said Erik Skinner, Executive Vice Chancellor for Programs in the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office.

The Student Success Act of 2022 is a primal piece of recasting the system. The bill by old State Sen. Alan Lowenthal – now Congressman Lowenthal – and Pasadena Senator Carol Liu, newly named chair of the Senate Education Committee, will give community college students back up services when they start enroll in schoolhouse. Skinner said research shows that students who go through an orientation program and develop an education plan are more likely to earn their degree or certificate or transfer to a four-twelvemonth college.

But colleges can't afford to hire the thousands of additional counselors required to meet with every student whenever they're needed, so they're looking for answers online. The Chancellor'south Office is seeking $10 one thousand thousand in the new budget to develop computer programs for counseling and advising.

"In terms of online technology, information technology's becoming increasingly clear that this is a development that'southward inevitable," said Skinner.

Gov. Brownish proposed $sixteen.9 million to increment admission through development of online courses available to community college students at any campus. Community College Chancellor Brice Harris said he's non sure if the $10 1000000 is included in that, but said, "nosotros're assuming that it is part of information technology."

Zilch to 120 in four years

One of the most significant programs to improve educatee success is already under mode and expanding by the month. The 2010 Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act, referred to by its bill number

SB 1440 requires community colleges and Cal State University to agree on Associate Degrees that guarantee students placement as juniors in CSU. Source: (click to enlarge).

SB 1440 requires community colleges and Cal State University to agree on Associate Degrees that guarantee students placement as juniors in CSU. Source: (click to enlarge).

SB 1440, requires customs colleges and California State University campuses to collaborate on developing transfer degrees in every major they offer and assure that community higher students who successfully complete the classes for an Associate Caste in one of those majors are guaranteed admission to CSU as juniors.

"Statewide progress has been enormous," said Michele Siqueiros, Executive Managing director of The Campaign for College Opportunity. "But there are definitely huge disparities at the local level betwixt colleges."

A Campaign report published terminal November establish some campuses far out in front, with transfer degrees in as many as eighteen different majors, while others take but a handful. A main sticking point, according to the report, is finding understanding on community college courses that are similar to required classes at CSU but aren't quite on the mark. Siqueiros said her organisation has been in talks with the neb's author, Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima), about introducing follow-up legislation that would institute benchmarks for implementation.

Keeping score

Accountability hasn't been a strong conform of customs colleges – 52 percent of students seeking a caste, certificate or transfer succeed afterward six years, and merely 41 percentage for Latino and African American students, according to the systemwide office – but officials anticipate that will start to change in one case the Chancellor's Role rolls out college scorecards in March that will serve as a very public accountability measure.

Sample of a community college Scorecard currently under development.  Source:  Community College Task Force on Student Success final report. (Click to enlarge).

Sample of a community college Scorecard currently under development. Source: Customs College Task Force on Student Success concluding written report. (Click to enlarge).

The scorecards will not only written report graduation rates, but will disclose other indicators of a college'southward achievements, such equally the number of students who complete basic skills (remedial) classes, dropout rates and the percentage of students who take thirty units nether their chugalug, the halfway point to an AA caste. And the information will be disaggregated by race and ethnicity.

"The challenge is how attainable and user-friendly those scorecards will be," said Siqueiros. "How does my niece know which higher will have amend outcomes for her?"

One obvious measure would be whether a college is facing sanctions from the accrediting agency. Three community colleges are currently on "show cause," the near astringent warning issued past the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC), and could lose their accreditation. The Commission has placed another 24 campuses on probation or alert status.

Accreditation, peculiarly by regional commissions, "is under a pretty large magnifying glass across the country," said Robert Agrella, a sometime community higher president and the special trustee appointed to attempt to prevent City College of San Francisco from losing its accreditation. Agrella said the federal government has raised the standards, and regional commissions are corking down. "I don't desire to say that accrediting used to be loose, merely things are looked at much more than carefully now."

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