If You Continue to Masturbate Will You Get Hair on Your Palms

YOU may have heard the scare stories before - masturbating too much could leave you impotent, even bald.

But is there really any basis to these claims?

 You may have heard that too much self love can turn you bald or send you blind, but that simply isn't true


You may have heard that too much self love can turn you bald or send you blind, but that simply isn't true Credit: Getty - Contributor

Masturbation is a part of life, in fact, a bit of self love can actually have some health benefits.... honest!

Here we bust some of the biggest myths - and reveal how a bit of alone time can really help you.

MYTH #1: It causes baldness

The idea behind this is that masturbation causes a man's testosterone levels to increase.

 There is a theory that too much testosterone, caused by masturbating, can cause baldness but several studies have debunked this


There is a theory that too much testosterone, caused by masturbating, can cause baldness but several studies have debunked this Credit: Getty - Contributor

This also causes a rise in the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is linked to hair loss.

It may seem like a solid reason, but fear not boys, there's no science to support it.

In fact several studies have debunked the myth.

A 1979 study compared two groups of men, one group with normal sexual activity and one group that deliberately avoided sex.

 Despite what you have heard, masturbation doesn't cause erectile dysfunction


Despite what you have heard, masturbation doesn't cause erectile dysfunction Credit: Getty - Contributor

Blood tests revealed no difference between the group in levels of testosterone and DHT.

And a 2001 study found that men who abstained from masturbating for three weeks actually had higher levels of testosterone.

Another theory that suggests self love causes hair loss is that semen contains protein, and when the body loses protein it can lead to baldness.

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It is true that semen contains protein, but it doesn't contain enough to do harm to the body after a man has ejaculated.

There's about 5.04 grams of protein per 100mL of semen, but the average amount a man ejaculates is 3.7mL.

So you would have to be masturbating an awful lot for your body to lose too much protein.

MYTH #2: It causes erectile dysfunction

You've definitely been told that if you use it too much it'll stop working.

But that's simply not the case.

Erectile dysfunction refers to a man's inability to get, or maintain, and erection.

It is either caused by psychological problems, such anxiety and depression or relationship problems, or a physical ailment.

Erectile dysfunction is an extremely distressing condition for a man, but it is not caused by too much self love.

 Masturbation won't damage your genitals, but if you do experience pain while indulging in self love you should see a doctor


Masturbation won't damage your genitals, but if you do experience pain while indulging in self love you should see a doctor Credit: Getty - Contributor

MYTH #3: It causes hair to grow on your palms

You may have also heard that a little too much hand (or whatever else you chose to use) action down there can cause you to go blind.

Or cause hair to grow on the palms of your hands.

You may have even heard that it damages you genitals.

This are all myths and have no scientific basis.

In fact, they are more likely formed around the feelings of guilt often associated with masturbating, psychologist Michael Ashworth wrote for Psych Central.

"I suppose that these worries stem from the almost universal guilt that people seem to feel about masturbating — guilt that makes it a secretive practice, that makes them vow to stop doing it, and that is then multiplied when they start doing it again," he said.

"If you are someone who masturbates, finds it pleasurable and wants to continue, pay no attention to TV show jokes about it causing blindness, or rumours of other terrible things that it can bring on."

 Having an orgasm, however it is achieved, helps maintain healthy tissue and nerves down there


Having an orgasm, however it is achieved, helps maintain healthy tissue and nerves down there Credit: Getty - Contributor


Yes, you read that right, good news... masturbating can actually boost your health.

A little bit of self love actually does MORE good than bad.

As with sex, when you reach an orgasm your body releases your feel-good hormone oxytocin.

Oxytocin not only makes you feel happier, but it is a natural pain relief so any aches and pains you have might become duller.

It also helps you get a good night's sleep, which helps your body keep running in top form.

Getting a decent rest and getting a boost in your happy hormones will help you feel less stressed.

Having an orgasm also improves your circulatory health down there.


Blood rushes to your genitals when you are aroused, which helps keep the tissues and nerve ending healthy - and healthy tissue means better sensation.

The only time masturbation becomes a problem is when it interferes with your relationship, or other commitments.

Or you injure yourself down there because you've had just a little too much fun.

If you think you have a problem then a sex therapist will be able to talk through your feelings and help get your back on track.

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Source: https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/5785567/masturbation-myths-baldness-impotence-busted/

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